Word picture

There’s a break between cloudbursts and I take the gap between them to catch the afternoon train. Outside, the day is a black, white, grey and silver composition; a filtered artwork – except it’s alive. Oyster-coloured shreds of cloud trail along the edges of an elephant-grey mountain; silver pools of rainwater glint beside slate-coloured streets […]

Diplomat, Anyone?

No-one ever told me that the true price of social media – for me – would be the slow seep of toxic-shock that comes from being hit daily with 180-character bullets of bitterness and ignorance. I know, it’s not a promising start, but it’s the truth. So, you say, just purge your list of toxic […]

Age to Age

Growing older is so strange. It’s not as if you lose all the previous versions of yourself – you just become more crowded as you go along. The 4-year-old who thought that warm scones with jam and cream were perfect heaven still waits vigilantly on the eve of every birthday wondering what presents tomorrow’ll bring. […]

Woe Is Us

If feeling sorry for each other truly improves our lot, Let’s do it, let’s commit: We can get together often, Run our hands tenderly over each of our woes, Lovingly arrange them, show them to one another – And sort them into chronological order. We can go back in time to find ones we may […]

Cannibalism Is Very, Very Bad For You

On Thursday South Africa was confronted by a horrible little news story about a jealous man who had killed his rival and was found eating the victim’s heart. There are 1000 reasons why cannibalism is wrong, but there’s one very good health reason: it can destroy your brain. Cannibalism is bad for you in a […]


Hello. You know I’m going to talk about it, right? The murderously beautiful and heartless storm that’s blowing in tonight. Her lil’ sister arrived yesterday, but she was just a shrieking weeper. This is no drama queen: she’s an ice-bearing snow-assassin. And she’s beautiful. I’m only preoccupied with this because at night I’m safe, but […]